April Update
Driveway is finally done!...for the most part. Still a little soft in places. The crushed concrete has been spread and we are able to drive on it. Heavier trucks might have a problem until everything dries out. The rain has been relentless. For the past 5 or 6 weeks we have been trying to get the sewer and water line run from the front of the property to where our house it going to be with no success. Either the ground was too wet or it was raining. We were finally able to get the soil sample taken about 5 weeks ago and have sent the results over to our structural engineer along with our house plans to get the foundation and frame designed. Should have the final plans in hand by the end of May. The replat is still not complete... It has finally been sent to the county, though, so hopefully not too much longer. We cannot get our planner to respond back regarding a refund from the city. If we are unsuccessful in getting a response this week, I am going to post her name, phone number and email address on this blog. If anyone is reading it, please call and harass her until she gets the hint. Once the process is complete both her and our original planner will be reported to the BBB. We started this replat process in March of 06 and was estimated to take 3 months to complete. My wife and I delayed the process for about a month while we redrew the property boundaries. Nevertheless, 4 months from March is July. I would even of been happy with September or October. Technically, the submittal to the city did not even take place until late Sept. early Oct.

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