All the first floor is done except for 2 columns. We are getting closer to having power as well. They ran 3" conduit for the wire but had to stop short due to all the rain we got last week. They are suppose to be out tomorrow to finish but I don't see how that is possible...still too wet.

Front of house.

South West corner.

South west corner with cantilevered balcony.

Back of house.

Back of house - cantilevered balcony on west side.

Looking at North west corner of house.

Looking at east side of house...with camera strap in the way.

Back of house.

East side of house - garage side.

South east corner.

Front of house.

South West corner.

South west corner with cantilevered balcony.

Back of house.

Back of house - cantilevered balcony on west side.

Looking at North west corner of house.

Looking at east side of house...with camera strap in the way.

Back of house.

East side of house - garage side.

South east corner.